Water you riding? Super clean motorcycle runs on H20 from a polluted river and can travel 310 MILES on a single litre

Mr Azevedo said that the advantage of this motorcycle, which works with the hydrogen that comes from the water, is that clean vapour is expelled from the exhaust
The 'T Power H20’ motorcycle was created by Sao Paulo-based public officer Ricardo Azevedo and can even be powered on polluted river water.
The design features a combination of water and a single external car battery, which is used to produce electricity and separate hydrogen from the water molecule.

The design features a combination of water and an external car battery, which is used to produce electricity and separate the hydrogen from the water molecule
The process, involving a pipe system, results in combustion and it is this that creates the energy necessary to power the bike.
Captured on video, Mr Azevedo demonstrates the brilliance of his invention after first drinking clean water from a bottle to prove that it is indeed H20 and not a form of fuel.

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